WpSettingsApi package known issues for scripts and styles

Since this is a PHP package and not a WordPress plugin the assets included can’t be loaded properly (if your composer vendor directory is outside of the document root). In order to have the settings page inherit the styles and use the proper JS, you’ve got to copy the /assets directory to your plugin or theme. Then add the following to filter the asset src to your directory:


use Dwnload\WpSettingsApi\Api\Script;
use Dwnload\WpSettingsApi\Api\Style;
use Dwnload\WpSettingsApi\WpSettingsApi;

\add_filter(App::FILTER_PREFIX . 'admin_scripts', [$this, 'adminScripts']);
\add_filter(App::FILTER_PREFIX . 'admin_styles', [$this, 'adminStyles']);

 * The default script needs to be moved from the vendor directory somewhere into our app since the
 * vendor directory is outside of the doc root.
 * @param Script[] $scripts
 * @return array
public function adminScripts(array $scripts): array
    \array_walk($scripts, function (Script $script, int $key) use (&$scripts) {
        if ($script->getHandle() === WpSettingsApi::ADMIN_SCRIPT_HANDLE) {
             * If you're not using the `TheFrosty\WpUtilities\Plugin\AbstractHookProvider`
             * use `plugins_url()` in place of the `$this->getPlugin()->getUrl` or any other WP
             * function that will point to the asset.
        if ($script->getHandle() === WpSettingsApi::ADMIN_MEDIA_HANDLE) {
             * If you're not using the `TheFrosty\WpUtilities\Plugin\AbstractHookProvider`
             * use `plugins_url()` in place of the `$this->getPlugin()->getUrl` or any other WP
             * function that will point to the asset.

    return $scripts;

 * The default style needs to be moved from the vendor directory somewhere into our app since the
 * vendor directory is outside of the doc root.
 * @param Style[] $styles
 * @return array
public function adminStyles(array $styles): array
    \array_walk($styles, function (Style $style, int $key) use (&$styles) {
        if ($style->getHandle() === WpSettingsApi::ADMIN_STYLE_HANDLE) {
             * If you're not using the `TheFrosty\WpUtilities\Plugin\AbstractHookProvider`
             * use `plugins_url()` in place of the `$this->getPlugin()->getUrl` or any other WP
             * function that will point to the asset.

    return $styles;

 * If the script is not registered before being returned back to the filter the src still uses
 * the vendor directory file path.
 * @param Script $script
private function registerScript(Script $script)

 * If the style is not registered before being returned back to the filter the src still uses
 * the vendor directory file path.
 * @param Style $style
private function registerStyle(Style $style)

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